Today the House of Representatives voted on the very liberal "stimulus" bill to delve billions of dollars into a gigantic, black sinkhole. It passed.
Typically this would be no time for congratulations, thanks or even a smirk (see "Nasty Pelosi"). But today, the GOP - as a whole - in the House of Representatives stood as one. No single Republican Congressman voted "yes" on this filthy piece of pork-laden, liberal, political smut.
Some say this is the beginning of the rebuilding of the party. I don't care. Not now, anyway. What I care is that the GOP stood as one to represent the thoughts, emotions and political views of their constituents across the United States totaling more than 46% of the public, according to the 2008 election.
To those congressman, I say, "Thank you and congratulations!" Today you've earned your pay, in my eyes.
And to those 11 Democrat congressman, I thank you as well. Thank you for having the intelligence, but more importantly the integrity to say no to something you know is wrong. This piece of legislative junk is intended to further the agenda of a few extremists running the country into the ground. Your foresight may be the key to this country returning to its true roots.
To those reading, and have a soul (conservative, of course), I urge you to write your GOP representative, or one who may not represent your geography, and thank them. Let them know there are millions of us who recognize their efforts as those of the people. This is a baby step, and we have more strides to come, but this is noteworthy, nonetheless. Make the GOP proud again. Make them proud to be conservative.
This is unity.